Wifi Access Point

Grandstream’ s GWN Series Complete Guide

  • Your Network is Your Connection to the World

In the global, digital world that we live in, no business can succeed without a strong network. No matter what type of business you run or facility you manage, employees, customers and guests expect to have internet access everywhere. Providing a powerful network empowers staff and visitors with access to tools and resources to stay productive, informed and connected.

It is no longer good enough to offer a basic Wi-Fi option, you need to offer your staff, clients, customers and visitors a strong and secure Wi-Fi network to keep up. According to Network Engineer, 68% of all internet traffic in 2018 came from Wi-Fi devices – and you can surely expect that number to grow every year. The internet is the best resource that we have to stay connected, access tools and share information.

Wi-Fi is Critical for Hotels, Stores and Restaurants, too

Wi-Fi is not just vital for an office setting, but also for businesses that host visitors or customers, including stores, restaurants, hotels and convention centers. An IGR report found that 72% of businesses see increased sales after implementing free Wi-Fi.

  • Retail Stores

By not offering customers WiFi, not only are you losing customers, but you are missing a major opportunity to connect with them. More than half of smartphone users want to receive location-based offers while they shop.

  • Restaurants, Hotels and Convention Centers

Business travelers need to be able to conduct business from a convention center or hotel the same way they can from their office. At restaurants and cafes, guests need to stay connected to their jobs and families when they are visiting your location, and a business that offers that will keep guests coming back.

What to Consider when Building a Network

So now that we have showed you that Wi-Fi is a critical resource no matter what type of business or facility you run, we will go through the choices you need to make and the decisions to consider when building a network

  • How Many Users and Concurrent Clients?
  1. How many people do you need to support within a given space?
  2. How many WiFi devices do you expect will need to access the WiFi network?
  • Consider Your Range Requirements
  1. How big of a space do you need to offer WiFi access to? Will one AP cover this? Or, might you
  2. need multiple APs to cover your whole area?
  3. How many devices do you expect will access the WiFi network within the range of an AP?
  • What are your speed requirements?
  1. Is it essential that your network offers the fastest possible speeds? This is generally the case

within offices and businesses, as well as high-end hotels.

  1. Is it more important to be able to support a lot of WiFi users than to offer higher speeds? This is common with restaurants, retail stores, and many hotels.
  • What types of networks do you need to offer?
  1. One network, few access points – This setup covers the entire facility and allows your staff to move around an office and access the same networks on every AP without needing to reconnect.
  2. One network, many access points – One common network for staff or guests that can be accessed throughout the entire facility on every access point.
  3. Many networks, few access points – Numerous different Wi-Fi networks allow each department within a company to have their own dedicated network.
  4. Many networks, many access points – This allows you to have separate, dedicated networks for each department within a business or each physical area. Because our access points can each offer up to 16 networks, you can offer up to 16 different networks in every given location.
  5. Link Multiple Locations (VPN) – Building a VPN allows you to create one or multiple networks that can be shared between different physical locations. This allows a business to share common networks, tools and resources across different offices, stores, hotels, remote workers

Building Networks with Grandstream Networking Solutions

Grandstream’ s GWN series of networking solutions offer powerful and secure networks with wide coverage ranges that feature easy setup and management with our embedded management controllers. This series offers both Wi-Fi Access Points and Gigabit Routers in order to offer a complete wired and Wi-Fi network solution.

  • The Easiest Setup and Management Process on the Market

One of the biggest innovations of our GWN series is the quick, easy and intuitive setup and management process we have designed for our APs. Our controller-less, centralized management is the future of WiFi access point technology and Grandstream is one of the very first manufacturers to design APs in this way.

  • High-End Security Protection

Like any technology, WiFI has its own share of security concerns. The nature of any wireless network allows anyone with malicious intent to locate themselves close to an access point in order to infiltrate a network. Being that a WiFi attack can occur in only 2 seconds, we set out to create our GWN series of WiFi Access Points to solve WiFi security problems by building a variety of high end security protections into our products.

Grandstream’s powerful WiFi Access Points offer tremendous WiFi coverage range, market-leading security, easy provisioning/ management thanks to built-in controllers, and support for a large number of clients per AP. All of Grandstream’ s APs can be used with any third-party router as well as our own routers and offer up to 16 different SSIDs (WiFi networks) per AP. GWN Series Access Point are GWN7610 Access Point, GWN7600 Access Point, GWN7600LR Long-Range Outdoor Access Point & GWN7000 Multi-WAN Gigabit VPN Router.